By Bus:
The nearest Bus stop is located just 100 meters away opposite B&Q and Lidl on London road.
If you are coming from the Town Centre then you can get the '49' bus opertaed by Stagecoach in the direction of Swindon/Wroughton/Avebury. If coming in to town you can get the 49 in the direction of Seend and Trowbridge. Check latest with Stagecaoch on
By Train:
The nearest train staions are Pewsey, Trowbridge or Chippenham.
From Trowbridge get the 49 Bus as detailed above.
From Chippenham get a varity of buses operated by Faresaver. You may need to use the 49 (as above) from Devizes Town Centre to us. Check latest with
From Pewsey get the bus direct from Pewsey Train station to the Lidl/B&Q stop located 100m away from our office. The buses are the 101/102/103 operated by Sailsbury Reds. Check latest with